Ethics, Communication and Boundaries Through the Lens of the Nervous System
Embodied Ethics, Communication and Boundaries: Hard Conversations, Difficult Emotions, and the Nervous System
An online ethics class for LMT’s centered on the nervous system.
Learn and explore how our reactions of fight, flight, freeze and fawn affect our communication
Polyvagal Theory
Something new, different, and applicable to your practice and life.
This class lives at the intersection of neuroscience and communication, bodywork and boundaries.
The material is centered around and inspired by Stephen Porges’ work on Polyvagal Theory. We will be discussing our body’s reaction to stress, including fight, flight, freeze, and fawn reactions, and the importance of social engagement to help regulate our systems.
Using short videos, guided meditations and somatic exercises, we will explore how this can inform our understanding of and communication with our clients, our boundary setting with others, and our jobs as massage therapists.
While its observations and tenets can help us with our time at the massage table, Polyvagal Theory can apply to every aspect of our lives, from partnerships to parenting, work to play.
Who Is This Class For?
Massage therapists in NCBTMB, Oregon, Washington, Florida, and many other states who need to earn 4 hours of CEU’s in Ethics, Communication or Boundaries (Physical Therapists in Oregon as well).
Are you looking to learn in the comfort of your home, at your own pace, without the hassle of travel and rescheduling clients or family obligations?
Are you interested in learning how to regulate your own nervous system?
Do you ever struggle with saying ‘yes’ to clients or management and later feel resentful?
Do you ever arrive for a massage and realize you’re not in your body, present in the moment?
Do you fear drawing boundaries will create disconnection or disharmony?
Do you sometimes feel you ‘take on other people’s stuff?"‘
Do your reactions to cues of stress or danger sometimes bewilder or surprise you?
Do you feel you get stuck in depressive or anxious states and have difficulty moving out of them, and want to make sense of your patterns?
Are you a nerd like me and like to learn about psychology, neuroscience, or just being human?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, this is the class for you!
Reviews and Reflections
“Best ethics class ever. WOW am I glad I did it!! Not only did it fulfill my requirements but it turned me onto a whole new concept for me. It was so interesting that now I want to learn more about it. Thank you so much.” D.W., LMT
“Highly Recommend This Course. This class was very informative, entertaining and easy to follow. I enjoyed the mix of content and exercises as well as the interactive questions and feedback with other people taking the course. I have learned many new tools to help me in my practice and also in my personal life. Thank you Jessica for putting together this great course!” K.H., LMT
“This was excellent. Thank you for all of the great information about polyvagal theory. It’s priceless and will help to inform my practice and my life.” S.D., LMT
“The most useful ethics class I’ve taken in 15 years!” K.S., LMT
I’ve been a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist for decades. These tools, you did such a great job of teaching the basics of, are so important. The underlying principals here are priceless, especially in trauma, embodiment, and end of life work… Thank you for bringing this to massage therapists who might not have had this in their initial training. We are all better for this course you’ve offered.” J.H., LMT